BOTH Daddy and Mummy are on ONE week leave!! So we will have NINE days of FUN together!! YEAH!!!
Today is Daddy's company's Family Day at Sentosa. Daddy was very excited and kept reminding Mummy and me about it for the past weeks. So this morning I woke them up at 7.11am!!!
Mummy packed my bag and we even brought along my bag of pail, spade, watering can etc ...
Today is Daddy's company's Family Day at Sentosa. Daddy was very excited and kept reminding Mummy and me about it for the past weeks. So this morning I woke them up at 7.11am!!!
Mummy packed my bag and we even brought along my bag of pail, spade, watering can etc ...
Can we go now??
We went off to Tekka Market for breakfast as Daddy had craving for the Fried Carrot Cake there. It was a long and boring wait at the market ... I was dying to go to SENTOSA lar!!!
Finally we set off to Sentosa and we arrived at slightly after 10am. And man it was HOT!!! Daddy collected his Goody Bag and I got ANOTHER set of pail with the sand castle tools!! YEAH!!
Finally we set off to Sentosa and we arrived at slightly after 10am. And man it was HOT!!! Daddy collected his Goody Bag and I got ANOTHER set of pail with the sand castle tools!! YEAH!!
A photo with Mummy before we start the day!!
Daddy went off to join some team games. They played stuff like finding coloured coconuts, painting the bear, forming shapes using wooden planks etc here are some photos of Daddy in action.
While Daddy had fun, I had fun too!!
I enjoyed walking out into the HOT sun ALONE
A family photo ~ NICE!!
While Daddy was playing stage game, I decided to have a try at making a sand castle ... ...
So tough .... maybe next time
Daddy won 14th prize in the lucky draw!! Well, its not that he is lucky, cos 80% of the people walked away with a lucky draw prize heehee andhis team came in FIRST for the day!! (Guess what he won for the game? A pack of POTPOURRI!!)
After that, we made our way to the foodcourt nearby and now I shall declare ....
I STILL LOVE AIR-CON over the Sun!!!
After a drink and some fishball ... Mummy and Daddy decided to bring me around Sentosa but alas ...

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