The morning session was held in Gymboree @ Tanglin Mall. I met Megan, Chole, Patrick, Daryl, Jasmin and many other pal at the Party. It was a private party for the 9 of us. It was very fun!!
Here is the Birthday Gal - see her hat? It has 1 candle on it!!
We played alot of games
Everyone had lotsa fun and then it was cake cutting. The cake was very very pretty and of cos very very yummy!!
We went into a room for the cake and food that Aunty Esther ordered.
See the good time that we had

Here are 2 nice shot of ME!! Handsome hor ...
After the party, we accompanied Megan to get her hair cut at Junior Leagues @ Plaza Sinagpura. Had to wait very long as the hair stylist went for their dinner and Megan cried too!! (See I am not the ONLY baby who cry when getting the hair cut lor!!)
After which, we went to Aunty Esther's place for the evening session of the party. It was a 3-in-1 party: Nicole's bday, Baby Dedication and House Blessing. When the ceremony was over, we started to eat. The food was very very yummy, esp the famous mee siam and Mummy's fav Kueh Pai Tee.
While the adults were eating, I had fun playing with Nicole's toys!!
Daddy and Mummy had fun too!!
Then as usual, Megan tries to 'dian' me off the jumperoo.
Megan: YC pls ....
Before we left. Aunty Esther gave us a very nice box and its a very pretty bear inside.
Thank you Aunty Esther for the hospitality and all the nice loot bags!!
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