Take a group photo first ... Me, Megan & Nicole (Not sure where Chole and Patrick went off to!!)

The Zoo is quite boring. Nothing much to see even though Mummy keep pointing out animal for me to see but I really cant be bothered! I just want to get out of this hot and smelly place!!
At noon, Mummy and her friends decided that its time to feed the babies lunch. So we all headed to KFC. I love it there - AIRCON!!
I had my porridge - YUMMY!!
With Mummy & Daddy
With my Ma Ma (See she wore orange to match ME!!)
We then headed for the animal show, since I had such a nice and yummy lunch, I decided to take a nap and let the adult enjoy the show.
After the show, the sky became darker and the aunties decided to head back home, while my gan-ho parents, Ma-Ma and Yi Yi decided to explore the Zoo further (aiya cos they dun wan to waste the trip to the Zoo thats why ... cheapsake!!)
And true enough it started POURING!!!
We were stuck with the White Tiger for the longest time and all of us were so bored except for Daddy, cos he like to see White Tiger.
Luckily Mummy brought along my fav rice cracker ... Mummy is the best!!
Here are some photos of the animals that we saw:
These are my fav 2 elephants!! Guess why?
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