Here are some moments that I have with my Daddy.

Success? Never! (Dun be fooled by the photo)
Success? Never! (Dun be fooled by the photo)
Then she flipped up my shirt and exclaimed: 'It's his umbilical cord!! It has finally dropped out.'
She was so excited that she quickly took an ang-bao to keep the umbilical cord and of cos snap photos of ME with my dropped out umbilical cord.
I was so sleepy when I reach home that I just continued to zzz lots. Mummy and Ma-Ma thought that I was well-trained by the nurses but they are wrong hiak hiak - I am just resting so that I can create havok in future
My Fav Pose
Mummy and Daddy come to visit me twice a day and Mummy always hold me in her arms and say:'Drink more milk ok, then you will recover faster' , 'Be a good boy, mummy will come back to fetch you home' I think Mummy cried cos I could feel some droplets falling on my face. I miss her too!!
Also I am very sleepy so whenever Mummy give me her milk, it feels so comfortable that I always fall asleep easily. So in the end, Mummy told the nurse to feed me whatever milk that she could express or formula milk (if she is not around) as they do not want to be interuppting my time under the blue light.
So here is my virgin-bottle heehee
I miss home!!
See how small I am, even the mitten looked bigger then my face!
My daddy rush home every night so that he can spend some time with me ... I luv my daddy too!!
But my mummy was getting worried cos I was getting more and more yellow each day - she say that I might be having jaundice.
So my ma-ma started to sun me every morning, she strip me until I am left with just the diaper and leave me out in the sun. Well whatever lar ... I just want to zzz
As dengue was on a raise, mummy send daddy to buy a mosquito net from kiddy palace and it cost him $39.90!! *heartache* but my mummy only wanted the best for me! My daddy is the super stingy type one hiak hiak
See the pink pillow on me? Thats hand-made my ma-ma with the 'dou-ya ke'. She collected them from the aunty in the market, sun them and then sew it into pillow for me. She made FIVE!!
My mummy say that its to make me feel safe and secure just like how I feel when I was in her tummy.
I feel so loved!
This is her fav photo of me cos she say that I look like I am digging my nose
My Hospital Card
The nurse put me with many other babies in the nursery. I am one of the smallest baby there but I am the loudest hahahaha
I see mummy whenever the nurse thinks that I am hungry. Mummy tries to feed me milk but its so difficult to drink, esp when everything is so dark & blur. I just open my mouth as BIG as possible hoping that mummy will position me correctly. But mummy is so bad at it that I always end up going back to the nursery hungry. Anyway I am so sleepy ...
She was always asking Dr Cheng if I would be out before the 40 weeks and the answer was NO ... she kept telling me to come out earlier as she kept saying that this was the most terrible period of her life. I wonder why? I am just abit fussier with my meals thats all.
I luv her tummy ... its so dark, safe, secure and best of all ... I can be with her ALL the time.
Then again, I am eager to meet my daddy (whom I keep hearing his voice & he loves singing some obiang chinese songs to me when I am trying to zzz), grannies, grandpa, aunties & uncles. But I know the best time to come out and thats what Dr Cheng told my mummy too ... so all she could do was to wait & wait & wait ... ...
I am the Precious in my Mummy & Daddy eyes and they are both my Precious too!!
I am the Precious in my Mummy & Daddy eyes and they are both my Precious too!!