Guess what they brought back ...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
With LuV from Japan
Guess what they brought back ...
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Jiu Jiu bday!
Happy birthday Jiu Jiu!!

好酒 aka good liquor!
I can eat using ONE hand
Hold the prawn cracker with ONE hand! *burp*
I know I am eating noodle lar!
And for one last time ... 我沒有醉!!
小二说道: Though the customer kept saying that he is not drunk, but just look at his shirt ... *shake head*
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Yee Yee 毕业了!!
As they do not allow 'babies' into the cremony, Mummy decided that we will only appear at the tea reception and photo taking.
The journey was so long that I fell asleep on the train and the taxi. I only woke up when we reached NTU. It sure brought back memories for Mummy cos she graduated from NTU 8 years ago but her ceremony was at the Kallang Theatre.
We went around NTU to take photos and Mummy kept asking Yee Yee to pose at places that she herself had taken 8 years ago *faint*
I had lots of fun acting cute too!!
On my way to NTU
After lunch, Mummy decided to walk to bugis so that we can take a train down to NTU. Yee Yee is having her graduation ceremony today and Mummy promised to be there for the photo taking.
A bo-liao shot!
All Alone! ScArY!!!
I dun quite like this place cos ...
I told them that I want to go home and find my Mummy.
So, the lady give me 2 pieces of scarves and said: "If you can fly then you can go home."
So I tried and tried and tried ...

She ask me to clean the floor *sob sob*
"Let me give you another task, catch 10 bubbles and put in your pocket, then you can go home."
I couldn't even manage to catch 0.5 bubble, not to mention TEN!
"One last chance for you! Read this whole page to me!"
But I can't read!! HOW?!?
So I had to eat some blue dough

Mummy brought me for a trial at Babies by The Park since she heard fave review from Aunty Doris. I had alot of fun there - singing, doing art & craft and playing outdoor. But in the end, Ma Ma still wants to take care of me ... so guess I wont be going back to Babies by The Park any time soon.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Uncle Eugene's Wedding
Thank goodness, we managed to get into the ballroom before the couple heehee (we have the highest record of 'marching in' after the couple)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Everyone is @ a wedding but ...
This BBQ has been something that Mummy has owed for many years! Seem like Mummy promised to organise a BBQ for her colleagues at our place even before I was born! But it was postponed as she found out that she was pregnant and she didnt have the energy to arrange for one.

Pa Pa @ BBQ
The Gor Gors *faint*
The BBQ was fun as I could run around and they chit chat until very late. But so strange hor ... they see each other so often yet they still like to talk about work when they meet hahahaha - Adults *shake head*