We are celebrating my 2nd birthday today!! Daddy and Mummy invited some friends over for a simple BBQ, without telling them that it was my birthday. But many of them guessed cos they say that it was almost impossible to forget my birth date - 9-11 mar!!
Mummy bought some very 'in' cake i.e cup cake for all the guests as take aways.
Mummy bought some very 'in' cake i.e cup cake for all the guests as take aways.

Since it's my birthday, Mummy said that I could be the tester of the cake ~ yummy!!
Daddy & Mummy (mainly Mummy lar!) spend some time to 'dress up' the cakes. Look nice right ~ althought Daddy commented that it looked too 'girl'
Yee Yee, Uncle Gabriel and Jiu Jiu were given the task to decor the place and set up the food!
Gu Gu and me
The 3 (in reality 2) Chefs
The Daddies

I tried to make myself useful by taking care of the drinks! But Mummy kept asking me to get away from the ice box!

Took photos with Megan
PS: All the adults had fun laughing at us and make me so shy ...
Hey ... where did Megan go to? Why am I all alone?

Luckily Mummy came to my recuse, otherwise so pai seh!!
Aunty Linda, Yijia & Grace with Uncle Sean

Soon, it was cake cutting!! Mummy ordered my fav cartoon character, Pocoyo, for the cake. She even send an email to the producer to seek their permission before getting the bakery to make the cake.
Cake cutting time!!
Mummy and Me!

Some group photos with Aunties and Uncles!

The party ended at around 11pm and finally I had a chance to open my first or rather 2nd birthday present! The red table and chair are from Yee Yee and Uncle Gabriel while the ABC toy is from Jiu Jiu!!
Thank you everyone!!
(Mummy say that I can only open the rest of the presents on my actual birthday~sob sob)