Then we had dinner at Globetrotter with Mummy's fren. These aunties are her JC frens and they were also the jie mei for Mummy's wedding. Daddy said that they sabo-ed him big time during the wedding heehee (of cos lar Mummy so nice heehee)
Both Aunty Soo Chuen and Aunty Linda had baby inside their tummy. Aunty Soo Chuen will be having a Di Di (EDD: 27 Nov) while Aunty Linda is expecting a Mei Mei (EDD: 13 Dec). Mummy say that Aunty Linda got v powerful gal genes in her family!!
Mummy organised the gathering as she say that should meet up before both the aunties go and give birth.
As usual, I was very bored at the Dinner and kept asking Mummy to bring me to the playroom which was right next to our table. But too bad, the playroom was

I had to wait for my turn ...
Very soon, I could go into the playroom to play ... ...
Mummy accompanied me throughout until she went out to 'hint' to Daddy that its HER friends gathering but yet HE was the one sitting there chatting with them *faint* Daddy ar ... really on manual mode one hiak hiak
Ok a group photo before we call it a NIGHT!!
Hmmm guess the next time they meet, I will be able to play with the Di Di and Mei Mei already =)