I also love to bite on the string of his shorts ... shiok!!
I also love to bite on the string of his shorts ... shiok!!
Have a blessed marriage Aunty Sabrina!!
The mummies ate the famous 'Lynn's Bee Hoon' and '933 Curry Chicken' while we enjoyed ourselves. I even performed a 'break dance' for them ... cool ar
Mummies went for a house tour and they got very excited about the toilet in Aunty Esther's room. I wonder why ...
Finally, we arrived in Jusco at 2pm!! Gosh, I think we must have lost our way for over an hr ...
We had lunch at Flintstone's Bistro, Mummy love the Fried Country Mushroom there!! I had a hard time deciding what to eat though, but I decided to stick to Mummy's Homecook Porridge.
After lunch, Mummy brought me to play on the playground which was in the restaurant. It was nice and brightly coloured. I like it very much!!
We started to shop around, Mummy and Daddy bought a nice clock, some clothes (for me) then decided to take a break at Secret Recipe. Mummy became tweety bird when she was there ... she kept going cheap ... cheap ... cheap heehee Mummy was telling Daddy that a price of cake cost $4.90++ in Singapore but over there only RM$5.50!! And even the cost of the main dishes , it will be like SGD$11 in Singapore and RM$13 in JB! She almost went crazy ...
Then Mummy decided to play a stupid game of bringing the menu close to me and pulling it away ... I enjoyed it very much!!
We then con't shopping which was boring ...
Daddy bought for himself 2 nice T-shirts and Mummy bought me lots of Sesame Street VCD. At the Supermarket, Mummy bought lots of pampers, she say 1 pack for Jasmin and the rest for me heehee
Soon it was dinner time, as there were no homecook porridge, I had to make do with biscuit and jar food!! The jar food was not too bad actually but the portion was too little! So Mummy gave me lots of biscuit and kisses (she must be crazy, kisses cant fill my hungry stomach)!!
After Daddy and Mummy had their yummy dinner at the Japanese restaurant, we headed back to Singapore. Thank goodness that Daddy didnt loose his way this time and we found the correct route home!! I want to go back to Jusco again!!
Me and my Greatest Dad!! (Not just for 2006 - Am sure!!)
Daddy, I LUV YOU!!
Daddy was very happy with the gift I bought for him (or rather Mummy got me to choose for Daddy while she paid)!! I am very happy too!!
After that they dropped me off to Ma Ma house cos they wanted to go Karaoke and Dinner!! So unfair ... I got to stay at home. Shouldnt have given Daddy any gift!!
The Big Family Photo
The Small Family Photo
While waiting for the cake to be cut, Mummy took more photos (as usual) of me
Mummy wanted to feed me some of the cake ... guess if I like it *wink*
Happy Birthday Daddy & Shu Shu!!
I am the Precious in my Mummy & Daddy eyes and they are both my Precious too!!
I am the Precious in my Mummy & Daddy eyes and they are both my Precious too!!