They waited very long for the Robinson 20% storewide sale to buy it for me.
Do I need to convince you that I really like it?
Can I be the model for the exersacuer in the future?

Then Mummy gives me my teething ring to bite while she prepare my cereal! *Itchy gum*
I HATE carrot!!
Mummy then ask Daddy to open up the 'throne' for me as she was lazy to bring the Bumbo to and fore Ma-ma place.
So here is MY new Throne ... shiok ar!!
(See how MESSY the house is!! *faint*)
Let me now get comfy in my throne ...
now you can call me the Highness Yicheng heehee
Mummy then appeared with a bowl and a spoon. She said that she is feeding me cereal but it taste just like milk!! I think she put too much milk already (aiyo ... she is such a bad chef!)
Eating from spoon is fun!! I like ...
She changed me into my PJ, she let me sit down, chit chat, relax ...
and have a drink !! Niceeeeeee
A pity that I cant crawl well yet, I kept going backwards *angry*
Mummy was also abit annoyed and scolded herself for not signing me for the Level 2 trial.
The only fun part was that I got to play on the slide for the 1st time!!
After the class ended, Daddy and Mummy brought me to the food court and for the first time I was put onto the high chair. I was very happy and excited!! I feel just like an adult now.
I am the Precious in my Mummy & Daddy eyes and they are both my Precious too!!
I am the Precious in my Mummy & Daddy eyes and they are both my Precious too!!